World Food Day 2020

1 minute read

World Food Day is celebrated on the 16th October every year. But this is the very first time we’ve thought about it at Together, so we put our heads together to decide what we should be talking about. Clearly food needed to be a topic!

Shouldn’t be too difficult really, since we really do like to eat.

Obviously we decided to share pictures of the food we would be eating, but we also thought it would be a good to be mindful about what we are eating and thankful that we had it. image-center

There are so many families in our city, in one of the wealthiest nations of the world, who are struggling to be able to feed themselves adequately. So it felt right to share awareness about our local food banks; how to make donations The Trussell Trust and how to be referred at the Birmingham Mail.

We also know that many of the children we see who have special needs or a rare condition have sensory issues around food and eating. But we’re so fortunate to be working with a terrific occupational therapist who has videos that we knew we could share. Check the videos out at Midlands Occupational Therapy.

Dietary sensitivities are also linked to many rare conditions, and because a member of Deb’s family has diabetes she baked a sugar free cake … lets hope that there was some left once he came home!


In addition to this a friend of mine sent some pictures of her gluten free cake and scone. image-center

They looked so lush, so that reminded us to post a link to the Coeliac UK’s recipe page and to the BBC Good Food’s lactose free recipe pages.
